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GAMMA Kids New York

GAMMA Rising Stars (ID 290K+), Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Andy McKenzie

GAMMA Kids New York (GKNY) was formed in March 2015 as a  new org in the GAMMA franchise. Its mission, to scout out new talent in the fighting world and offer fair fights for all managers hot prospects that are of an ID of 255k and over.

Initially all fighters are on a low 3 fight contract until they punch above the 6500p4p ranking mark and then more lucrative contracts are offered. This way there is no hard feelings if managers decide to drop their fighters if they fail to perform. For those that are successful however, an extremely bright future awaits them at the next stepping stone which is GAMMA Contenders, the proving grounds for fighters before they finally reach GAMMA, the oldest and most successful org in the game. This prize is the eventual goal of a lot of fighters and this is where a fighter knows he has made it.

GKNY is so much more than just feeder org though with lots on offer. The first 10 events have already been held with great feedback from the fans as well as the managers. There is very rarely an empty seat at a GKNY fight night and ratings and hype are climbing every week. Out of these 10 events, 2 have been our monthly Underworld event which is sponsored by our mercy partner Underworld Clothing, which have a great line of fighter clothing including a special GKNY line.

These cards are packed the best fighters GKNY has to offer and offer bonus prizes to winning fighters that wear Underworld Clothing. We also have weekly betting on every event at Combet LOD to give the managers a chance to win some extra cash. Our most exciting aspect is our May signing of Aussie writer and now GKNY GM Adam Leigh who has created his own website to publish all GKNY event previews and reviews. All fighter rankings are also regularly updated and fighter interviews are published which has helped to bring our smack talk forum to life as well.

So do you have any prospects or project fighters that you want to ensure get fair fights but at the same time don't want to miss out on all the fun of a big money org, knowing that they have a chance to progress up to the higher echelons? Get them to New York and sign up with GKNY now!

For contract enquiries contact Andy McKenzie (101467) or Adam Leigh (104671).  


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