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Executioner FC, Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Heri Doank

265+ lbs fight: Clinton Offley defeated Magnus Cross by Armbar in 4:22 of 1st round.

Disaster came to Cross after he followed his corner to break clinch while he could throw punches from inside and avoided takedowns. Offley had a moment and used it to takedown straight after he avoided an uppercut. Offley succeed to win with armbar after spamming Cross 11 sub attempts.  


265+ lbs fight: Mike Jursllla defeated Dick Wad by unanimous decision.

They fought all out to land punches and kicks. Wad was aggressive and Jursllla being a counter. Jursllla had been cut in the 1st round before Wad started to clinch.

Jursllla scored more points with his punches from inside fight. He could takedown from inside before 2nd round ended. And Jursllla dominated 3rd round with his Muay Thai.

Wad never tried takedown, that should be questioned!


135+ lbs fight: Thaddeus  Fitzgerald defeated Bobby Bob Bob by TKO (strike) in 0:51 of 2nd round.

It’s weird why Bob Bob fought as boxer while his Muay Thai is better. And he never tried takedown too because his best is wrestling and could do GnP from guard. Fitzgerald punished him for his bad tactics.


185+ lbs fight: Billy Tinkl defeated Dark Terror by Triangle Choke in 4:56 of 1st round.

Terror managed to takedown but he couldn’t soften Tinkl effectively because Tinkl always moved to find better position and tried 3 submissions. Tinkl managed to get Triangle Choke on his 4th attempt.


170+ lbs fight: Luigi Bates defeated Daniel Mosby by unanimous decision.

Although Mosby was superior in wrestling, Bates didn’t hesitate to fight on ground. Bates very dominant with his stand up and he won many points by doing that but then decided to fight on ground. They simultaneously tried to get better position and submit each other but never succeed.


185+ lbs fight: Tim Wright defeated Marcus Child by  Triangle Choke in 4:53 of 1st round.

Wright won after 4 minutes spamming 14 sub attempts to Child.


155+ lbs fight: Where Yo Girl defeated Grant Knight by unanimous decision.

Strange tactics were used for Knight. He had better Muay Thai and scored more points than Girl when they fought inside but always been ordered to break clinch. And so the result against him.


205+ lbs fight: Charlie Simpson defeated Steven Ramsay by Americana in 4:23 of 1st round.

Ramsay failed to takedown and  Simpson countered with takedown. Then Simpson succeed with Americana after spamming 14 sub attempts to Ramsay.


185+ lbs fight: Obi Wan Kenobi defeated Datu Puti by TKO in 0:58 of 1st round.

Kenobi given Puti no chanche at all!! All his punches and knees landed to make Puti felt the force!!!


155+ lbs fight: Erick Clap defeated  Reggie Wayne  by KO in 0:58 of 2nd round.

If only Wayne didn’t takedown Clap he might win the bout.


Thank you very much!!!


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