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In-Ya-Face Sports invades Palace of Pain fight camp

Fighter profile of Ratimir Yenin by Prof. Carter

 In-Ya-Face Sports invades Palace of Pain fight camp

Interviewer: Rick Robertson, of “ In-Ya-Face Sports LLC”

IYF Sports is an Independent Canadian Sports Network which can be seen nightly on the WFU Network or via their web broadcast “Nut Punch”.

Over the next few issues we will be invading the “Palace of Pain” fight camp the home of many up and coming fighters under the watchful eye of their manager and promoter Prof. Carter (103190) to interview some of his fighters as well as the Prof. himself.


Interview / Episode #3

Fighter: Ratimir "The Python" Yenin (271321)
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 140 Lbs.
Record: 3-0-0
Fight Contract: SPI,  Helsinki

I now find myself in Eastern Europe on the hunt for a newer fighter in the Palace of Pain empire. He goes by the name of “The Python” and originally hails from old Russia. To my understanding pythons don’t come from Russia but I hear he can choke the life out of the best of men.

IYF – Ratimir thanks for taking time out of your training schedule to sit down with me and your MMA fans.

Ratimir – For my fans… anything. For you… nothing!

IYF – Well ok then. I see you have started your career with 3 wins and two coming in the first round via a triangular choke. That’s an impressive start.

Ratimir – If you say so. The third should have been choked as well.

IYF – So what brought you to Prof Carter and his Palace of Pain fight camp? Canada is a long way from Russia.

Ratimir – The Prof. travels the world looking for the next greatest fighters. He unlike many is willing to travel into the worst places to find and bring out the best. I have respect for men like that.

IYF – I read somewhere that the Prof. found you fighting in an underground fight club in a derelict building in Russia.

Ratimir – This is true. I was trying to stay alive and feed. I was fighting for 2200 rubles a fight. That is about $50 Canadian to you. So you see it did not take too much convincing to bring me elsewhere to fight for better money.

IYF – I see here on June 13 you’re scheduled to fight Artem Nazarev at SPI: Helsinki – 24. I see he is a grappler / boxer with a record of 2 and 2 and both wins by KO. How do you plan to survive his on slot?

Ratimir – Simple. All men have a weakness, even the greatest of a weakness. I will monopolize on his and he will fall aside like the rest. We will see how he does when I get a hold of him.

IYF – Just one last question before you go Ratimir. I know you are busy with only 4 days to go before you fight. But any last works to your opponent and fans?


Ratimir – To my opponent…. I will crush you! To my fans…. Don’t look away from your TV; it will be a quick fight.


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