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SPNY 261: Lockyer-Mahtisaari 4 Review

Event Review: SPNY 261:Lockyer-Mahtisaari 4
Steel Penn - ICON
2015-06-07, New York, Liberty Dome
Attendance:5,250, Event Rating:326
Author:Bailey Norton

 This is the review for SPNY 261 @ Liberty Dome in New York.


Main event

Darren Lockyer def. Arttu Mahtisaari via KO (Punch) rnd #2

The Australian native wins again! 10 of his 12 fights in SPNY are in the way of KO! Who can stop that man? Arttu dominated the first round and looked great throughout the whole fight, but then... Lockyer landed a wonderfull 3 punch combination that rocked Mahtisaari, Darren smelled the blood and connected with a big hook that turned the lights out.

Co-main event

Ichabod Crane def. Nils Holgersson via TKO (Strikes) rnd #1

The young Canadian striker definetly wants another shot at Malakai for sure! Nils couldn't score the takedown soon enough and Crane capitalised on that with his striking and power! He rushed him with punches and score another TKO win. Crane won 4 of his last 5 fights losing only to the champion Malakai Semerkhet.

The official numbers:

Attendance: 5250

Event Rating: 326.25

Fighter pay: 415000$

Fight of the night: Don Julio vs Mikhail Rakhmanov

KO of the night: Darren Lockyer

Submission of the night: Brad Shaw


The next SPNY event is scheduled to happen 06-14


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