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Dominating Foes

Fighter profile of King Wong by Dale Saw

He has done it again! King Wong wins once again with a absolutely dominating display at Pride 7 on The Island. He fought against Island newcomer Osama Suzuki. The fight went exactly as Wong had hoped. It would not go on to see the second round. And, Suzuki was in trouble from the second the bell rang. 

The fight did not enter the clinch game. Wong landed 35/40 shot while Suzuki landed 0/20. King Wong worked in 11/11 head punches and 1/1 to the body. His combos were 1 for 2. When it came to kicking he threw 9 head and leg kicks and 8 kicks to the body. Out of those 6 of the high kicks landed and all of the leg kicks. And, only one body kick was missed. 

Suzuki threw a total of 20 shots but if we look closer we see that he threw 4 punches to the head, went for 2 combinations, attempted 2 high kicks, 4 body and 8 leg kicks. None of these attacks found their target. Osama also attempted 3 unsuccessful times to clinch.

So once again King Wong remains dominate and the #1 KT P4P fighter on the Island.



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