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Who's Next?

Fighter profile of King Wong by Dale Saw

King Wong, The Islands #1 P4P KT fighter, has a record of 4-0 and is wondering, Who's Next? He has yet to be offered a fight. Things are looking good for King Wong.

There are a few possible opponents Pride might offer him. First off there is the ever popular "Woody" Wood Pecker. But, Wong hold a victory over Pecker and he has a fight currently scheduled against "Mad" Mads Schulz. So Wood's chances are slim.

Then there is the winner of Reggie "Hammer" Biggs Vs. Spod Holdah. Both fighters are 2-0 and they both have beaten a fighter that Wong has also beat.

Reggie beat Joel Vega and Spod beat Wood Pecker. Making the winner the most likely candidate.

Oh, and it is worthy of note to place in here that Edward "Hench" Bravie also 4-0 and at the top of the 265 division was matched up against Harry Gash, to most suited candidate in his division, for a shot at becoming the Pride KT Heavyweight Champion of the World.

So, that brings on this question; With King Wong being undefeated at 4-0, being at the top of his division, and based on the fact Edward received a title shot,

Will King Wong's next fight be to determine who the Pride KT Light Heavyweight Champion Of The World?

Will he fight for the crown?

The Belt?

Can King Wong become champion?


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