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Mick Shaw Q&A

Fighter profile of Kim Shaw by Alika Webb

Q: Dear martial arts fans today I will pay another visit to Mick Shaw. Mick last time we talked about you signing with Imperial in Amsterdam and about the demise of Immortals in New York City, but this time we're going to make it a little more personal. Mick, a lot of fans have liked the interviews so far but a couple of them also wanted to learn a little bit more about who you are as a person and not alone as fighter.  They asked us who Mick Shaw really is and we want to oblige by giving them an interview that shows them a bit more about who you really are. Mick, are you ready for this?

Mick: Fire away, I have nothing to hide.



Q: OK, we'll start with an easy one. What are your hobbies?



Mick: Training.



Q: That's it? Does it even count since you're a professional fighter, I mean you literally train for a living, you can't really call that a hobby right?



Mick: Of course it counts. I have to do it since it's my job, but I enjoy it a lot too. I love to learn new things in the gym and then trying them out during a sparring session.



Q: Do you have any other interests outside of fighting?



Mick: I love to travel, that counts right?



Q: Of course that counts, where do you like to travel?



Mick: I like exploring new places. I was born and raised in London, but I've lived in Las Vegas for a couple of years and I have just moved to Amsterdam after getting signed to Imperial. Moving to a place where you don't know anything or anyone can be quite exciting, moving's always an adventure. That doesn't mean you need to go far away from home to find an adventure. I occasionally like to just pack light, take my bike and ride for a couple of hours, not knowing where I'll end up.



Q: Have you had any bad experiences whilst travelling?



Mick: I ended up getting lost a couple of times but I always found a way back home, so nothing too bad.



Q: What did you want do when you grew up, did you always want to be a fighter?



Mick: As a kid I wanted to be an actor. I even made a few movies with some of my friends, but I quickly found out that I didn't have what it takes to be an actor. We thought the movies were good when we made them, but after watching them afterwards even I had to admit that I couldn't act.



Q: What kind of movies did you make?



Mick: Action movies of course. The fighting scenes were always cool to do, it's when we weren't fighting that our movies really felt lacking.



Q: Mick I want to thank you again for another great interview and I look forward to seeing more of you in the future.



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