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Charles Crawley Q&A

Fighter profile of Charles Crawley by Alika Webb

Q: Dear martial arts fans today I will pay a visit to the first and current Highland Challengers light heavyweight champion, Charles Crawley. Charles, first of all congrats on winning the belt. Secondly, I want to thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedule to come here and do this interview.



Charles: Happy to do it man. Right now I'm in the spotlight and I want to enjoy every minute of it.



Q: Does that mean you're not training as hard as before you won the belt?



Charles: Of course not, I'm training harder than before. Being a champion puts you under a lot of pressure so I need to keep up with training or my time to shine will be over before I know it. It's just that being a champion is special and I want to get the most out of it before it is too late.



Q: Have you done your homework on your first challenger and do you think he's a worthy number one contender?



Charles: Hamlet Bone is ridiculously good, he's an all rounder and that's not easy to pull off so early on the the island. But it doesn't matter how good he is, I know how good I am. As long as I don't underestimate him I think I have a good chance at getting my hand raised in the end but it's not going to be easy.



Q: Thanks for doing this interview and I wish you the best in your next fight.


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