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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

New FIghter

Editorial by Lars Miller

A fighter once had a dream of becoming a professional mma artist.

but he was involved with some bad business and was surrounded by dangerous outlaws.
They worked in the drug trafficking busines...
One day the "fighter" told his boss that he wanted to quit working and pursue his dream..
The boss told him : "okey, but you have to do one last job for me"
the fighter said yes ofcourse.. Little did he know that the boss had set him up.. and snitched to the police

So the fighter was locked up for drug trafficking and violence.. the fighter was in jail for 3 and a half years, but while in jail he met an old mma fighter which agreed to mentor and train him.
The mentor also suggested that the fighter went to his old gym to start training fulltime and pursue his dream of beeing a professional mma fighter.

The fighter is currently in training, but look out for him.. he will take the world by storm in a few moments



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