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Chainsaw Q&A

Fighter profile of Jack Shaw by Alika Webb

Q: Dear martial arts fans today I will pay a visit to Jack Shaw. Jack is a promising and still undefeated prospect in Epicity's light heavyweight division. He's currently riding an impressive six fight winning streak, winning all but his last fight by KO or TKO. Jack, you're scheduled to take on Frank Dozer on the first of august in Las vegas Nevada at the renowned Wandalay Bay arena. Frank might be on a three fight losing streak, but he's one of the most well rounded fighters you'll ever have faced. How are you preparing for such a big challenge?



Jack: I am the chainsaw, Jack Shaw! Chainsaws don't fear anything, they saw through the competition. When I step into that cage and the door locks, all sounds disappear and when the silence is at its loudest I crank start that chainsaw in my brain. The blades start to rev up and the noise is deafening. Brum Brum Brum Brrrrrrrrrr. When the ref gives the signal something inside me takes over. All the rage I built up goes right into that chainsaw, slicing and dicing until the ref drags me off my latest victim. When it's all over, I wake up and the blades slow down, the noise fades away and I feel like I can finally relax.   



Q: No offense, but that's a little disturbing.



Jack: I disagree. I - like a lot of people - have a lot of frustrations in my life and I deal with that by collecting those frustration and use them as fuel for my chainsaw. It is a healthy way of dealing with those irritation triggers so I can lead a normal life.



Q: Did you scout your opponent and have you set up a game plan for when you face him?



Jack: I did and I realize he'll be tough challenge but I know what I've done to get here, all the obstacles I had to overcome and I know that I am ready to face whatever he's got to offer.



Q: And with that we'll conclude this interview. Jack thanks for agreeing to meet with us and good luck with your next fight.



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