Stomp-a-thon 17 18 July 2015 Review by Rabid Alien (102643)
The Romper Room Butt-Stompers has once again shown why its events are becoming the "place to be" here in Las Vegas with an incredible show at the The Underground this July 18th. This amazing event had 6 fights resulting in 5 knockouts, and a submission for the Butt-Stomping pleasure of the MMA fans who stormed the gates to see it. This was the 3nd Stomper event to finsh the night (2nd event in a row) and never hear a final bell! This review will hopefully visualize for the fans who sadly missed it....just what a great evening they missed out on. If my verbs and adjectives fail, u can get the brutally twisted and bloody details at .
265 lbs fight between Bonesaw McGraw (266983) and Chris Treborn (266469)
Both fighters are well-rounded fighters with strengths in Muay Thai and BJJ fighting, with Treborn a slight disadvantage in wrestling. Ding Ding ! Unsurprisingly both men using kicks, but McGraw wants to clinch, and grabs a quick hug and then proceeds to simply brutallize Treborn in the clinch. After a couple minutes of ugly beatdown, McGraw ends it with a left hand followed by an uppercut that sends Treborn's eyes rolling into the back of his head! Treborn drops to his knees and McGraw pours it on with more strikes until the referee steps in to end it.
Results: After 1:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Bonesaw McGraw! McGraw is awarded "KO of the Night".
205 lbs fight between Jake Blade (262763) and Lenny "Armpit" Alfredo (261110)
Blade is a boxer with well developed ground skills and Alfredo is a boxer/BJJ fighter. Ding Ding ! Alfredo comes out swinging and Blade counters into the clinch. Blade is beating the hell out of Alfredo in the clinch but he breaks off and Alfredo is looking for a takedown and Blade is landing at will and knocks Alfredo down with a right hand and then after he gets back up...Blade drops him with a series of hooks that send Alfredo face-first into the mat !
Results: After 2:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Punches). Jake Blade!
205 lbs fight between "Atitudes Shity Welcome To" Goon City (272427) and "Mr. 110%" Kalazzar Scar (270615)
City is a boxer and Scar is a street style fighter. Ding Ding ! City is throwing punches and Scar is countering and looking for the takedown. Scar is totally focused on getting the takedown and he does...but City was just beating the crap out of him until he did. Scar wastes no time and gets busy with some ineffective GnP and then a series of submission attempts and City is striking back...difference is...City is LANDING strikes and Scar is NOT. Round 2, City comes out swinging and on the 5th strike landed, Scar is rocked. City follows up with a combination that knocks Scar right the hell OUT !
Results: After 0:28 of round 2, we have a winner by way of KO (Punches). Goon City!
265 lbs fight between Billy West (269217) and The Boxer Ii (268573)
West is a ground fighter and Boxer li is a boxer with reasonablly good wrestling ability. Ding Ding ! West lands. Boxer li misses. West gets takedown. West administers beatdown. Boxer li eats hammerfist salad with GnP sauce and a minute later its OVER.
Results: After 1:24 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Billy West!
185 lbs fight between Richard "The Count" Blood (266042) and Ioannis Markakis (267632)
Blood is a well rounded wrestler and Markakis is a street-style fighter. Ding Ding ! Markakis wants to clinch and throws a hook that Blood counters with a takedown. Blood wastes no time and tries submission after submission and even Markakis tries one at the end of the round... Round 2, Markakis again comes out swinging and wanting to clinch, and Blood with a takedown...deja vu...and while working submissions, Blood advances position to mount and grabs a RNC hold and they are all over the place as Markakis fights like a rabid cat to survive..and he damn near does...but...NOT.
Results: After 4:29 of round 2, we have a winner by way of Submission (RNC). Richard Blood!
265 lbs fight between Mitzi "Satan" Glozman (265912) and Barbie "TomBoy" Bloonkers (267091)
Glozman is a well rounded fighter with amazing Muay Thai abilities, and Bloonkers is a well rounded wrestler. Ding Ding ! Glozman comes out punching and Bloonkers is kicking. Both are landing and Bloonkers clinches and wants a takedown. Glozman breaks loose and its Bloonkers with a high kick that cuts Glozman. Glozman returns a combination that cuts Bloonkers and the vampire crowd are rushing the cage and security is responding... Both men are bleeding and its a fight ! Glozman grabs a clinch and proceeds to tear that arse up, and rocks Blookers with an uppercut. Bloonkers is still looking for a takedown and Glozman catches him with another uppercut that drops Bloonkers and its a quick finish when the referee jumps in...
Results: After 1:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Mitzi Glozman!
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