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MMA Potheads: The chip shit that you need

MMA Potheads, Gym, Amsterdam
Company profile by Gegi� Bambino

Amsterdam-  As you might know Lightining Gym has closed.

This training center has always been the best spot in town for fighters and athletes that wanted to train their conditioning and strenght in a pristine location with always brand new equipment. And you could have all this for just 50$ a week! 

But a week ago the old managment decided to sell to a new manager.


We came here today to meet the new owner Gegiù Bambino and to look what is going to change.

The first thing that we notice when we arrive, is the new logo above the main entrance: MMA potheads!

The texture isn't hte best but the ghrapics looks good enough. They could have done better with this but we doesn't want to judge a book before have open it, and anyway is not that terrible.


Gegiù Bambino is waiting for us there, and after some pleasantries invite us to enter. As we step in the astonisment take us. It looks huge in comparison with the old Lightining. There are around 20 people training there with weights and diffrent kind of cardio machines, but there are still a lot of them free and they have a lot of rings and mats for any kind of sparring.

"We did some works to renovates the spaces - Gegiù is telling us- and now we can accommodate up to 160 athletes that wants to train with us. The small training space that we had here didn't look enough to us. We like to think in great."


While we are looking around we notice tho doors close to eachother, and some kind of steam is coming out from them.

Gegiù take care to explain us what is that smoke.

"These are the 2 main innovations under the new managament: the sauna, and our small coffee-shop!

We thought that our costumers could need a place to relax after their hard trainings so we decide to have  2 different activites for them. They can just pay 5$ and enjoy our brand new sauna, and maybe after that they can step next door for a tea and a blow of vaporized cannabis. Even if you are not signed in the gym you can access these spaces, but the sauna will cost you 50$."


At this point I feel thirsty and I start to look around for a vending machine with some kind of energetic sodas, but the disappointment is great when I can't find it. 

The new manager apologize for that and tell us that they will place vandings soon. "We are still a small reality in town, and find nutrion companies that wants to cooperate is not easy nowdays. There are a lot of Gyms in Amsterdam and not enough nutrition companies to cover them all. But we are pretty confident that really soon we will recive an offert."

At this point probably Gegiù feels our next question, and before we can ask him how much is it for subscribing at MMA Potheads, he aniticipates us.

"I know what you are thinking, with all these innovations it will costs a lot to train with us, but you don't have to worry about that. We didn't want to ruin what as been for a lot of time a popular reality in this city, and our motto is -best quality for a convenient price!-.

What I'm trying to say is that we didn't change the fee! For 50$ a wekk you can train with us in our new, big, completely renovated gym. What are you waiting for?"


And that's exactly what we can suggest you: sont waste your time and go right now to sign in MMA Potheads.

It's all the chip shit that you need!


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