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Stomp-a-thon 19

Editorial by Grumpy Bastard

Stomp-a-thon 19        25 July 2015        Review by Rabid Alien (102643)
The Romper Room Butt-Stompers has once again shown why its events are becoming the "place to be" here in Las Vegas with an incredible show at Wild Bob's Barthis July 25th.  This excitement packed event had 7 fights resulting in 6 knockouts, and 1 submission for the Butt-Stomping pleasure of the MMA fans who flocked in anticipation to see it.  This event is the 5th Stomper event to finish the night (4rd event in a row) and never hear a final bell!   This review will hopefully visualize for the fans who sadly missed it....just what a great evening they missed out on.  If my verbs and adjectives fail, u can get the violently tasty details at http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgeventmanager.php?EvID=840088.

205 lbs fight between Uthred Ragnarson (269411) and Christian "Kiki" Bocceli (269193)
Ragnarson is a boxer and Bocceli is a Muay Thai/BJJ fighter.  Ding Ding !   Bocceli is cut by a Ragnarson left hand on the 1st punch and he starts kicking, but Ragnarson is after him so he is looking for a takedown or a clinch or anything to keep Ragnarson off the cut for a few moments.  But Ragnarson drops Bocceli with a beautiful combination! and when Bocelli gets to his feet...he eats an uppercut and drops.  Ragnarson pounces and finishes quickly.
Results:    After 0:44 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Uthred Ragnarson!

205 lbs fight between Niklas Kronwall (270394) and Edward "REAL DEAL " McManis (269900)
Kronwall is a boxer/wrestler and McManis is also a boxer/wrestler.  Ding Ding !  Kronwall comes out swinging and McManis grabs a clinch which Kronwall breaks and for a while McManis seems intent on getting a takedown and is eating alot of shots from Kronwall who is just basically administering a beatdown when they are in the clinch and so it goes much thru the fight.  The breaks in the beatdown was when they were on the ground where neither of them seems to be capable of ANY sort of scoring...But this action-packed fight came to a halt when Kronwall rocks McManis with an uppercut from the clinch and then follows it with 2 more uppercuts that drop McManis to his knees with his eye rolled up in his head and Kronwall pours it on as the referee jumps in...and its over!  Not to bad a fight with both reasonably even in the standing and ground, but Kronwall surely tore it up in the clinch and McManis showed his chin is strong by taking so many shots....
Results:    After 3:55 of round 3, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Niklas Kronwall!

265 lbs     fight between Konstantin "Russian Bear" Erokhin (273289) and Diego Contreiras (274263)
Erokhin is a Muay Thai fighter with wrestling skills and Contreiras is a boxer/wrestler.  Ding Ding !   Erokhin straight to the clinch and cuts Contreiras with a hook immediately.  First punch and blood is flowing...the vampire crowd is on their feet...  Contreiras wants to pull guard but Erokhin feeds him some knees and Contreiras trows a couple knees himself but cant land.  Erokhin on the other hand i slanding his knees and the cut is getting worse causeing the security to go on standby positions for the vampire rush...  and things just go downhill for Contreiras from there as Erokhin used his height advantage to feed Erokhin kees and by the end of the round the cut just horrible and the security was hard pressed by the surging vampire crowd.  Round 2.  Erokhin straight to the clinch (big surprise?) and Contreiras instantly tries to pull guard but for the 2nd time in the fight he falls on his back.  But Contreiras wants to pull guard so badly that now its Contreiras who grabs a clinch and that was a mistake as Erokhin catches him with another knee and busts that cut wide open and blood is even on the referee, who calls in the doc, and its OVER !  Security is calling in reinforcements...
Results:     After 0:47 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Cut). Konstantin Erokhin!

185 lbs fight between Jake "The Snake" Roberts (264263) and Frank Mir (267225)
Roberts is a boxer/BJJ fighter and Mir is a wrestler with Muay Thai abilities.  Ding Ding !  Mir is straight to the clinch and Roberts wants a takedown but is eating everything Mir is throwing.  They go at it for about 2 minutes with Mir stuffing takedowns and trading strikes until Roberts hurts Mir with a right hand and jumps to the kill with combinations that cause Mir to tap to escape the beatdown before the referee could even stop it! Nice work Roberts!
Results:    After 2:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Jake Roberts!  Roberts was awarded "KO of the Night".

185 lbs fight between Jeff "JG" Gotwalt (274936) and Ivan Kozlov (273323)
Gotwalt is a BJJ fighter and Kozlov is a street-style wrestler.  Ding Ding !  Gotwalt wastes no time trying to get the fight to the ground with a takedown attempt and a failed clinch and Kozlov starts busting his chops for trying.  Kozlov is just landing everything as Gotwalt single-mindedly keeps after a takedown and 2 minutes into the fight he gets it.  They both try for a submission and roll around but the round ends.  Round 2.  Kozlov comes out striking and landing and Gotwalt is cut.  Gotwalt continues his single-minded goal towards the takedown and finally manages to clinch and pull guard.  They roll around fighting for submission and then after alot of hard work and eating a LOT of strikes...Gotwalt sinks in the triangle and its OVER!!
Results:    After 3:46 of round 2, we have a winner by way of Submission (Triangle Choke). Jeff Gotwalt!

265 lbs fight between Stacker "The Jackhammer" Pentacost (264803) and Dick "The Sex Offender" Schneeger (266803)
Pentacost is a Muay Thai fighter that is highly developed in all fighting syles and Schneeger is a well rounded Muay Thai fighter as well.  Ding Ding !  Pentacost lands a bodyshot and Schneeger replys with an uppercut that knocks Pentacost down and cuts him.  Then they both get busy throwing strikes.  Pentecost is lands every strike except 1...and Schneeger misses every strike except 1 so it was looking bad for Schneeger when Pentacost rocks him with a cross and then drops him with a straight left. Pentacost jumps on top and start dropping bombs until the referee steps in.
Results:    After 3:50 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Stacker Pentacost!

265 lbs fight between Higgs "Smash" Boson (271743) and "Mr." Jesse Sabot (269326)
Boson is a boxer and Sabot is a wrestler with boxing abilities.  Ding Ding !  Boson comes out swinging and Sabot is not doing anything.  Boson land 3 or 4 shots and no reply and then catches Sabot with a right hand to knock him down.  When he gets up Boson hits him with another right hand and he faceplants.  What happened? Sabot appeared to be dazed from the bell and did ZERO to figt unlike his previous fights where he slaughtered his opponents...
Results:    After 0:29 of round 1, we have a winner by way of KO (Punch). Higgs Boson!



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