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Dominating Champions

Ultimate Pit Fighting (300K+ ID), Fight Organization, Hilo
Company profile by Dale Saw

The Ultimate Pit Fighting over in Hilo has been re-growing for a little while now and we have all of our champions crowned. But, there are a few that stand out. We have four champions with dominating records three of which are undefeated. Well actually four undefeated champs but Artem Obukhov, our featherweight champion, has only two fights thus far. The four champions that we will be looking at are Thiago Meida at 265+, Beach Bum at 205, Mustafiq Rana at 185, and Dr Thork at 155.


Dr. "Creepy" Thork - Lightweight Champion of the World 8-1 [2-0 UPF]

First up is Thork. Thork is a submission specialist with all 8 of his wins coming by way of submission. He had a record of 6-1 coming off a loss when he signed with the UPF, with a win over Darren Kissel [5-2] at Insanity (220K+) in Los Angeles in the Mad Hatter Tournament. Since he joined the UPF he has seen victory against Chen Long [4-1] and Anthony Placencia [5-6]. At UPF 10: Thork Vs Placencia he took home the gold and is awaiting his next championship fight where he gets to defend his belt for the first time.


"The Egyptian Armstrong" Mustafiq Rana - Middleweight Champion of the World 5-0 [4-0 UPF]

Rana is not only a undefeated champ, he is also the fighter of the UPF's matchmaker Jamie McKenna. Rana is also a submission specialist with all of his wins coming by submission as well. Mustafiq has been with the UPF since the beginning. His first UPF fight was at UPF ONE: Grand Re-Opening where he fought against Kashmire Gates. He went on and put wins together against Twelve Knickerbocker, Ima You, and then Vrushak Madhura at UPF 10: Thork Vs Placencia where he picked up the middleweight championship belt. Rana is set to defend his belt against another submission expert in Riley Gracie on 2015-08-22 at UPF 13.

Beach Bum - Light-Heavyweight Champion of the World 8-0 [2-0 UPF]

Bum is once again a submission expert with 7 of his wins by submission. This bum is no bum! He has two big victories inside the UPF octagon. The first was against Rick Grimes at UPF 8: Bum Vs. Grimes where Beach Bum became the first UPF champion in a long time. Bum's second win inside UPF was against Quirinus Rai, defending his belt in only 32 seconds. Bum does not have another fight scheduled yet. I'm sure it will be coming soon though. As, Grimes is set to fight  Phil High in a #1 contenders match on Aug 22nd.

Thiago Meida - Super-Heavyweight Champion of the World 8-0 [2-0 UPF]

Meida, unlike the others on this list, is a KO specialist with all of his wins by (T)KO. Meida was signed to 185 max sfc +200k before joining the UPF. He had notable victories over Alexander Hardenov [6-2] and Khabib Magamedov [6-3]. Once in the UPF Meida made quick work of Aaron Work with a KO in only 26 seconds. He then went on to fight for the gold against Howard Jeblowme at UPF 10: Thork Vs Placencia. Sandor Clegane has been offered for his first title defense.

We also have other great champions here at the UPF uncluding 170 Akito Toyotoku 7-5 [3-1 UPF], 145 Artem Obukhov 2-0 [2-0 UPF], 135 Ali Bagautdinov 6-2 [2-0 UPF], and 265  Drew Petrie 7-2 [2-0 UPF]. Make sure to check in to keep an eye on your favorite champions.


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