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Offley's Retirement

Fighter profile of Clinton Offley by Max Bennet

Clinton Offley had this to say in his recently published youtube video:

I'm pleased to announce that my manager Mr. Bennet just secured me a sweeeet contract with Highland Games, the best post-Island Fight Org alive; wich means we're gonna have a bit more fun together and I'll be happy to entertain you fellas for another five fights here in this organisation. I'm a little bit less happy to announce that it's the last contract I'll ever sign. It's my retirement contract. It pleases me though to conclude my career just where it begun.

 I'm nearing 30 and I recognise that I'm not gonna have any chance against younger stars, I've reached my peak performance and when you don't keep up, you got left behind, that's just the way it is.

 After concluding my Island career and moving on to the big leagues (followed by switching a manager) I've made myself a goal to 'avenge' the only 3 losses I suffered on The Island. I did managed to defeat - with a lot of effort - Magnus Cross (who I believe will one day be a world top10 fighter), I did also managed to defeat Barney Gumble wich is no small feat, belive me. I'd like to use this occasion to give a shoutout to those two fighters. Magnificent opponent they were.

As for the third man that bested me on the Island, Gunnar McGregor, I don't believe I'll have an opportunity to settle the score on that front.

 So, to sum it up - be sure to watch Highland Games and see the unexpected happen.


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