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Upstart in Amsterdam

Double A Fight Club, Fight Organization, Amsterdam
Company profile by Jesse Moreland

Amsterdam- Owner Jesse Moreland walks to his company headquarters located in the South Distirct of Old Center in a building that has seen better days, "It's a start," Moreland says as he takes a drink from his fountain Pepsi. It is indeed a start, as I talked to Mr. Moreland I could see the excitement in his face as he talked about his company, Double A Fight Club, he states he has some great fighters already under contract and he couldn't wait to see those fighters develop with the company.

"Now this isn't your normal organization, it is a place for young fighters or old to showcase their talents. Giving big breaks and second chances to all. You want to fight, I will pay you to fight no matter what your record is. We want fighters who do it because they enjoy the craft, I have no problem supporting people achieving their dreams.

Basically I only achieve success through the success of others," says Moreland. He goes on to state, "I have to meet up with one of my fighters to take him to his gym, as always, God Bless Hand to Hand Combat."

He left and as I headed back to my house I couldn't help but think that this man was going to do what it takes to succeed. I liked that about him, this interview was one of the best I had ever done. Do youself a favor and check out Jesse Moreland's company Double A Fight Club, their first event kicks off next Tuesday and Mr Moreland stated, "Anyone can fight on this card all they have to do is ask, I'm looking for fights until the day of." Good for you Mr Moreland and yes, God Bless Hand to Hand Combat.

Chet U. Betchum

Tycoon Times

"Just Like My Grandaddy Always Used To Say...."


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