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Depression and the will to WIN 2

Editorial by

Im very, very thankful to all of you for your response to my last article. Im truly touched and happy that you guys actually read the Tycoon Times. Thanks for the support and your kind words. - You know who you are...

I just wanted to follow up and say that, there are a lot of ways to combat this. Im sure you all are playing MMA Tycoon because you have some affiliation or interest in MMA or  some sort of fighting art, and this alone, this interest in an art, a fighting technique tells me you are a fighter. Thats right, YOU ARE A FIGHTER. So be strong, be strong and hold on to hope. Life is like an old watch, the one that has hands. What you see is only the face with the hour, minutes & seconds hands moving. But in reality there are wheels that are rotating behind all this.

There are things in life that happen, that we dont really understand. There are detours that happen to us that may seem odd but in the end it begins to make sense. Trust me I have seen these stories take place many times and it always, always seems to amaze me. It gives me my belief in us, in humanity.

Let me tell you a story: When I was younger the only thing that a high school grad could if they didnt get into college was to enlist. It was that or get stuck in a dog on dog gang land war that was consuming every young kid at a rate that could make F1 racers proud. A lot of my friends did. I was lucky enough to get into a good school on a wrestling scholarship. But thats a different story.

Well it had been several years now and we just found out that one of our good friends from high school was arriving from Iraq after serving, his flight was landing in a few hours. My friends and I were preparing a welcome back party at a friends house so we can give our long lost friend a great home coming. 2 blocks from the house was a small convenient store we had gone to almost everyday of our lives, from the day we could remember.

Everything was perfect, all we needed to do was pick (Jack - not his real name) up at LAX, the airport & get some beer. But we were running out of time, we had to be at the airport in an hour. So we decided to just pass by the store before the airport. Me and 2 of my buddies pulled into the lot, the sky was a bit cloudy that day I know this cause I was hoping earlier that it wouldn t rain for the party. So as we pulled in there was 3 loud BANGS that rang out, followed by 2 men in masks running out of the store into a car waiting in front of the store entrance.

The waiting car sped off and we, we all froze in the car. We all knew what had just happened. The guys took a moment and we called 911 and ran into the store. It was bloody to say the least. The place was a mess. And behind the counter lay the old man who tended the store ever since we were kids. We checked to see if he was alright. But we couldnt tell. All we knew was he was shot and was laying in a pool of blood. The crooks made off with some cash and shot the old man working the counter.

Sirens halted at the door and in seconds the cops & the Paramedics were in control. The policed asked the usual questions and thanked us for calling. The medical guy said that the old timer was hurt, but was very lucky, the bullet had exited him and not hit any vitals. We left my friends went back to the house to get ready and I went to pick Jack up at the airport. The drive was long and when I got there, I had to enter the arrival lounge, as I entered there was Jack standing in his army uniform waving. I came over and gave him a hug, and helped him with his bags.

Whats up man? thats it no hello, hows it been, how was the war? Jack was weirded out, and could feel I was bumded about something. I told him about what happened at the store. And how disappointed Im at everything. The neighborhood, the people, the police, everything. How way too many kids are getting involved in gangs or worst getting shot dead in the streets. He knew me. He knew how I had struggled with my inner demons since we were kids. He knew what was eating inside.

Man I just came from a war, women and children are dying left and right. You dont know whats happening next. Youre always scared. But you have to be strong, be strong and hold on to that hope. He looked at me and pointed around us. - You ve lost faith. Lost faith in humanity in yourself. I know you man.

Look around. I looked around the airport terminal, then back at him. What? I dont see anything. Jack smiled at me. - I’ve actually been waiting here for almost 2 hours. And i’ve been watching people come and go, people coming to pick up there relatives, friends, loved ones. I looked at him not understanding a thing...

There, he pointed. That man has been waiting for as long as me and now his girl is here to pick him up. A young man had been waiting and now his girlfriend just got here.They embrace and kiss...  Do you see that, what just happened?
NO ...
Jason, Look around you. You have lost faith in everything, but everything is around you. The long flight, the wait all ends in some wonderful ending, regardless how long the wait is. Humanity wasnt left you Jason. You just have to give it a chance. I looked around again, and I saw, i saw girlfriends kissing their long lost boyfriends, fathers embracing there kids, mothers welcoming back there sons. I saw the love, the hope and the faith people had in each other. Jack smiled at me, - now you see little bro.
I know you are tired. But be strong cause you dont know whats up next.

  So next time you feel down and you feel theres no hope, maybe take a drive to your local airport, then you may see what youre looking for ...

Stay strong, depression, anxiety and panic attacks are NOT a sign of weakness. Theyre  a sign of having tried to remain strong for far too long. The struggle is long and hard but the victory is always there for you. All you have to do is grab it...


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