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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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The Mission Imposible

Editorial by Bob Arum

 Jason Wang  is a 25 year old 3-0-0 undefeated fighter from Toko Japan , training in st.petersburg . Hes ONE of my finest fighter , He got signed by the org BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET or also known as BadAss,. and as a first fight they offer a fight to 

Beaumont McHale  38-17-1 (W-L-D)  hes a tough guy an inteligent fighter, and he former holds an 20 title fight win . hes a MONSTER compare to Jason Wang He's a FORMER Champion

and he's a Warrior that is imposible to deafeat for jason wang,, jason wang is the underdog base to stats and to the # of winning and most of all base to the experience part. BUT IN THE HEART ??  I DONT THINK SO. Everybody follow this message and  wait for the result of the fight ill post it here no matter whats the result is. 

Beaumont McHale  vs JASON WANG  ON BMP 32 (St Petersburg) at 2015-10-17 (13D, 5H, 23M) to go. must watch 


                                                                                              "THE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE"

                                                                                    Beaumont McHale   vs     JASON WANG


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