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NYFN : Cedric Murphy

Fighter profile of Cedric Murphy by Bjorn O'Donnel

 Big congrats to this former NY Fight NIghts 205lbs champion :

Cedric "Pandemic" Murphy 
49 p4p 
After an impressive career in KT at EFFA, I noticed that Murphy was starting to take qfc's and I checked with is manager to see if he was working towards a transition to MMA. Harry told me that it was indeed the case and before he could say much more, I put a contract on the table and told him that I had a bright future in mind for his fighter at NY FIght NIghts. Eager to make the step towards MMA, Murphy accepted the contract and made his debut against the undefeated highly skilled beast Costanzo. His debut lasted only 17 seconds as he destroyed him in brutal fashion. I decided to set him up against a world class boxer with a granite chin next , being the highly feared D'Amato. 2'30 was all it took to defeat the highly touted prospect and make himself the number one contender at 205lbs in NY FIght Nights.
In the title fight, he was facing off against the 5-0 champion, Modigh, who looked like a very tough guy to beat. I know that I messaged Harry, Murphy his manager, before the fight and told him good luck as I normally do and he replied that he was feeling confident. I said 'really? ' as I wasn't thinking that Murphy could beat Modigh. Guess what, 57 seconds into the fight the referee had to step in and stop the fight in favor of Murphy! That was a huge upset and then I was 100% sure that we had an absolute beast in our ranks. He would go on to defend his title succesfull and after I had to close my org for personal reasons, he went to AMS and is now in Syn. Let me put it this way, it's never easy to stay undefeated, let alone in an elite org, but look at what is happening..!
Murphy made his debut against Feti, and finished him with strikes in the second round. After such an impressive number of performances, he was set up to fight Riccuito, one of JLP his fighters, who has a good chin and great KO power. Guess what.... Yep, Murphy defeated him by strikes as well! 
And if all of that isn't enough yet, take a look at his latest performance...  He dominated the fight against Evgeniy Malkin. Yes, I repeat, he dominated Malkin and won the fight 30-27 by unanimous decision!  What a beast! 
It's an honor to have had you in NY Fight Nights mr. Murphy and I wish you all the best in the rest of your career! If you ever want to come back when it opens up and do a main-event apperance, you have my number so send me a message .


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