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Big things coming to Hilo

Ultimate Pit Fighting (300K+ ID), Fight Organization, Hilo
Company profile by Dale Saw

 Ultimate Pit Fighting, which is a fight organization located in Hilo, is currently investing over $1 million in contracts to increase their competition level. They are currently the 27th ranked org in the world.

Hopefully with this investment we can break into the top 20 then eventually the top 10. Contracts will be handed out by hype level but will be adjustable. So, if you have a fighter within the UPF's ID restriction, which is 260K+, and would like to be apart of an org that is ready to make a run at the top 10, or you want to help us with that run, then look no further than Ultimate Pit Fighting.

We keep things fun and competitive. We always offer as fair as match up as we can. We strive to put on as evenly matched cards as possible. We also have tough champions for those that want to test their skills.

Overall the UPF is the place to be in Hilo and hopefully soon, with this investment, we will really grow. Thanks Dale Saw, UPF owner.


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