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Org guide for noobs

Editorial by Bjorn O'Donnel

Since I became an org owner the first time, I have had probably about 100 messages from new(er) players asking me if I could sign their fighter.

95% of the time it were fighters that would have been a terrible match for the org as they were far underskilled or overskilled for the org. 


To give new players a helping hand, I wanted to create a small guide to make them  understand what orgs are good for their fighters. 



Types of orgs based on ID:

- Unrestricted  : 


Everyone, no matter their ID ( the number behind your fighter his name) , can fight in these type of orgs. This means that there will be mostly highly skilled fighters in those orgs, so they are not ideal for a new player with a young fighter. If you have picked up a fighter from the FA list with good skills , then you can obviously sign them to an unrestricted org as well, but maybe check with the org owner first if your fighter is suitable. What you think is high skilled enough, isn't per se enough. Org owners are helpfull and will give you advice about if your fighter is good enough for the org or not. 


-ID restricted  


In these type of orgs, there is an ID restriction installed to make sure you can have fair fights against fighters that were created around the same time as your fighter.  The highest ID orgs currently if I'm not mistaken have a 210k ID org. That means that anyone with an ID from 210000 to a new creation can join. What you will see is that most of their fighters will be close to the 210k ID limit, and you will not see many fighters with an ID of 250k or higher in them. The reason is that they aren't high enough skilled yet to fight the higher trained fighters already. 


Luckily, there are a lot of different ID restrictions in different orgs. There are 240k ID orgs, 260k ID orgs, ... 


So what I advice you to do is look at the ID of your fighter and look for an org that is close in ID restriction at first. If you have a fighter with ID 262151, then a 260K ID org would suit him great. 
If you have a fighter with ID 283156 , then a 280k org should be your main target to sign a contract at. 


A lot depends on how soon a manager wants to test his fighter, but in general for new players, I would certainly look only for orgs close to the ID of your fighter. YOu will get better matchups and your fighter will have a better chance of winning. 


==>  To see a list of the current ID restricted orgs, click here



Types of orgs based on fight sport :  

- MMA  ( Fights can take place on the ground as well, so submissions, gnp , etc is all alowed) 

- KT  ( Only standup fights, so no takedowns , submissions, gnp,... It's pure striking)


Most of the orgs are MMA, but there are some KT orgs as well, where you can fight pure striking battles with your opponent. 

If you want to join a KT org, I would generally advice to not put points in anything that isn't striking related when you create a new fighter for KT. If you want him to transition to MMA later, you can always train his takedown def , def grappling etc up later. 


KT is perhaps less known in this game, but that doesn't mean it's less fun as there are some very nice orgs in the game for KT! 




So in conclusion, don't hesitate to contact the org owner before signing your fighter, but first read this guide.  
I hope that it explains well what type of org you should sign your fighter to , in the hope of having  a big chance of doing well. 



Good luck to all of you new(er) players and I hope it helps. 


To all veteran managers, if I forgot to mention something and my guide isn't complete, don't hesitate to let me know. 







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