How did your training camp go Conrad?
Smooth. I still had plenty of time to act in hollywood blockbusters, take part in gumball and fuck different women in different countries every day.
I don't sit around and let life decide how my day looks like, I decide myself what my life looks like every day.
Sounds fun!
Were you happy with your promotional debut ?
No, I wanted a war and my opponent wasn't up to it. I landed 100% of my strikes and destroyed him with it. I might change the gameplan for my fight of this weekend just to make sure that it lasts a bit longer and that I have more fun, we'll see.
You actually enjoy tough fights?
Sure, what the heck is fun about being two minutes in the cage and not even sweat.?!? I am here to try and put on a show for fans. It's not my fault my opponents don't last very long.
Do you feel as if the champion will be able to bring out the best in you?
He has the power, so who knows, but he is a bit small. I have seen 10year olds who are bigger than him.
Do you respect your opponent?
That was a short and unexpected answer...
That shouldn't be unexpected . I respect anyone who dares to enter a cage with me. Not many on this planet are willing to do that.
What do you think will happen this weekend?
I hope a war, but I suppose it will be another short fight.
Lungu has huge KO power, are you scared of it?
Man, are you fucking stupid?! Would I be fighting MMA if I was scared? I enjoy fighting and I am pissed that the commission doesn't allow us to bareknucklefight.
I would love to knock people out cold with no padding on my hands. Just bone on bone. BOOOOOMM!!
Conrad, you are a savage!
That was what Lungu's mom said last night...
Eeuhm, ok, eeuhm, lets round things up here. GOod luck against Lungu sir and it will be interesting to see how the fight goes!
Yeah yeah. People , don't forget to tune in and watch the biggest KOTB main event in history. Conrad " The Joker" Mcgillicutty vs Sandu " Fat Midget" Lungu.
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