Interview with Cezar "Anaconda" Afonso about his upcoming Featherweight title fight in the newly established organization and his recent troubles with the law.
Interviewer: Hello Cezar, happy new year! Any new resolutions for 2016?
Cezar: No man, these resolution things aren't my style. I just go with the flow.
Interviewer: Alright. And what about your upcoming title fight? How do you think it will play out?
Cezar: I have been training hard for the fight and i'm confident that i will come out victorious. When i get Habitoyo on the ground he won't know what hit him. I will strangle him like a baby.
Interviewer: And tell us a little bit about your recent troubles with the law. The Brazillian newspapers say you beat up 2 guys outside of the famous Rio de Janeiro Barzinho nightclub and when the police apprehended you, they say you were carrying a gun with you. What was that all about?
Cezar: Ah, you know how it is on these cold streets. Those 2 fellas were touching a girl i was with, when i saw that shit happen right in front of my eyes i could not help myself. About the gun... Oh, well, you know Rio de Janeiro isn't the most safest place there is on Earth. Especially the favela i once lived in. Anyway, i have to run, get some business done, can't be out here standing and just talking all day. To all my fans, i just want to say, expect seeing me carrying that belt once i'm done with Habitoyo. Peace out!
Interviewer: There you have it ladies and gentleman, Cezar Afonso. Thank you for doing this interview.
Cezar: It ain't no problem man, thank you.
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