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Corey "The Grave" Mitchell

Editorial by Jack Robinson

Mitchell was born in Liverpool,He had a tough life growing up without parents with his mother dying while giving birth and his dad dying due to natural causes.He only had his grandmother to take care of him who also passed away when Mitchell was 8.


Bouncing around care homes, Mitchell had to fend for himself and was not a stranger to physical altercations throughout his teenage years. He claims to have a chip on his shoulder about everything and speaks his mind no matter who he offends.

Apparently untamed by his kickboxing training, Mitchell promises that he will walk through any level of competition without breaking a sweat.

The belt you can see on his left shoulder is a belt from the illegal underground Kickboxing org he used to be in from 17 years of age to 21.After being forcefully deported from Liverpool to The Island,He will be trying to make a name for himself in KT Org which exist there,Currently signed up to Highland KT.


He also has had a devastating knockout finish in his debut fighter against Auric Halo who has had a Solid chin,In under 20 seconds,

Which resulted in a fractured right hand for Mitchell,Broken Jaw for Halo and Halo being released from the management of his manager.He had even gone as far as mocking his defeated opponent on Buzz:

If anybody wonders how to know if you have one hell of a punch,Look at my debut fight,I Knocked Halo out so bad i broke my hand,His jaw broke and his manager sacked him,Poor Bastard...Hmph.


Following the night after that knockout,The crew  managed to reach Mitchell before leaving for a short post fight interview.
 Reporter: Mr.Mitchell,Congratulations on that amazing knockout!How do you feel?
Mitchell: Am i supposed to feel something?Get to the point,I Have business to attend.
Reporter:Did you think you were able to knock him out in under 20 seconds?Especially when you saw his solid chin in his amateur fights?
*Did these fuckers just completely ignore my statement saying get to the point with the question?Stubborn Pricks.*Mitchell thought
Mitchell: Do you really think my confidence is that low?You can put 5 Granite chin fighters infront of me,I'll knock both of them out in under 30 seconds.
Reporter: No not at all.We just think you executed your game plan perfectly thats all...Anyways we have heard after your dominant performance,Your manager Randy Richards has signed you up for Highland KT to see more of your heart,Chin and your overall skill

What do you think about this?
Mitchell: Honestly,I Would rather have a more exprienced and better manager Like Bjorn,Dean Sunderland,Michael Brakaley,You name it,Most of Richards fighters are a bunch of twats who cant fight,The only one i have respect for in his roster is Tim Hawk,He's the only cool dude in there.


But i am glad he has signed me up,Theres shitloads of cash involved,And i can make a name for myself there,So why not?
Reporter: Thank you so much for youur time with us Mr.Mitchell,Is there anything you have to say for your next potential opponents?

Mitchell: Infact,I Do!Fuck.You.All.Im the next P4P King.You better duck me if you know whats best for you fuckers.


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