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Dickie Dirty

Fighter profile of Dickie Dirty by Bjorn O'Donnel

BIG NEWS :   Dickie released from prison and signed a contract

Dickie "The Dirt" Dirty


Congratulations on making it out of prison! How was your time there? 


Let me put it this way, food sucked, the smell of the place was terrible and I had to brush my teeth while my cellmate was taking a dump.

Little privacy in the goddamn place, but it's all good now, I'm out. 


Do you regret having assaulted your manager? 


(Smiles), Hell no! But don't tell that to him! 


Rumor has it that a few of the top orgs where contacting you while you were in prison, can you confirm that? 


Yes, I was indeed contacted by a lot of people who were trying to sign me. When you aim high, that's what happen, people are getting interested and come knocking on your door.

I refused to message an org to ask for a contract, they all knew I was looking to sign a contract, so if someone passed on this opportunity, who cares...  I am very happy with the offers I got and want to thank all of those orgs. I honestly felt a bit bad having to let some of you down, but maybe superfights can solve that later, we'll see. 


And now, lets get on to what everyone wants to hear; where did you sign? 


I'm glad to announce that I signed a contract at MFN for 5 fights. 


Wow, awesome! What made you decided to go to MFN and not some of the other elite orgs that were after you? 


(checks the hour on his new 1942 Rolex Chronograph)   Euhm, just the good vibes. 


Hehe, I got your point. They offered you a nice money deal right? 


I can't complain, that's for sure, We talked and I felt that they had a lot of confidence in me and my manager to succeed, so I put my signature on the contract and look forward to the challenges that are coming up next. 


Do you already know who your next opponent will be? 


I do, but I'll not announce it yet as I'm not sure if he knows already as well, so I'll let the org owner send him the bad news   


I think I can speak for a lot of MMAfans around the world when I say it's great to see you are going to be back fighting! YOu have build up a nice fanbase and people are eager to see you fight again. I wish you nothing but the best Dickie!


Thanks man, much appreciated!  Without my fans I would be nowhere. I want to thank all of my fans, my manager, the org owners who sent offers , my lovely mommy and my little brother. Thank you all for being so great and letting me do what I enjoy the most, fighting! 

Sorry people, but I really need to leave now. I don't want to be late for dinner. What do you think of new ride by the way? 



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