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BAMF Island 1 Kicks off!!!

Event Preview: BAMF Island 1
BAMF Island
2016-01-24, The Island, Micro Arena - The Island
Author:Jake Parkinson

BAMF Island 1
The Island
Micro Arena

Main Event- Garrison Vs Gracie

Garrison has vastly superior wrestling over Gracie which he will be looking to use and control the fight in the clinch. whereas Gracie is a boxer and would like to keep on the outside out of reach of garrisons clinch and wrestling.

Garrison is the more experienced fighter with 1 win by way of submission although he has being ko'd once already. Gracie has never had a professional fight on the island so it will be interesting to see how he performs.


Co Main Event- Amateur vs Jackson 


Amateur is the most superior stand up fighter and with a win already under his name he is the favourite to win this fight but Jackson is by far the better wrestler so if he controls the fight he may have a chance to win this fight. I certainly wouldn't bet against either of these fighters.

Fight Card-
Garrison vs Gracie 
Amateur vs Jackson 
Rockwell vs Warner 
Binay vs Pulis
Champ vs Hardenov
Nakanishi vs Neece
Kurapanu vs Mikio
Bill vs Munoz
White Iv vs McSwish


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