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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

My Story Starts Here

Editorial by


                                                              IN THE MISTS OF THE MORNING, I HAVE MET MY DEATH



A samurai spirit with a blade of words I have roamed plains of consciousness, seeking truth and slaying illusions.

All is impermanent, imperfect, and incomplete.

In the vast river of existence, there is a serene melancholy and a spiritual longing which pervades all.


Yet all is not lost, for it is only in being lost, that we are found.

It is only in imperfection, that we find perfection; in brokenness, the unbroken.

We are necessarily confused, before we are clear.


That which is lasting, and perfect, and beautiful surrounds us, all of the time.

As a young man in Japan, I learned the great philosophy of Wabi-Sabi: rustic simplicity, quietness,

and understated elegance combined with the patina of beauty and serenity that comes with age.


Wisdom is to be found in natural simplicity; beauty in that which is flawed. May you find them, too,

my good friend, here in these words: The Bushido Poems of a Samurai Warrior of The Spirit.


My name is Mamado Tododia and im bringing to you the warriors of the future with the spirit of the past


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