The Dissolution Fighting Championship (4572) in London has been acquired by the Ultimate Pit Fighting (260K ID+) (3438). Jamie McKenna, the former UPF President of Operations, was on the receiving end of a nice promotion this week as he is now the owner of Dissolution Fighting Championship.
Now the details have not been worked out between Mr. Saw and Mr. McKenna, but the word on the streets is that DFC is going to act as a feeder org for the UPF. Being a feeder org the highest hyped DFC fighters would get promoted into the mother org, UPF and further their career there.
And for those transferring from org to org, they will fly on our private jet. UPF Air will see them flying in luxury, complete with massage beds, movies, games, internet access, and of course free meals. Under new management, Dissolution Fighting Championship will be changing their name, logo, and the works.
They are sending out contracts as you read this looking for new talent to raise up and rule the tycooniverse. No matter what happens, I know this, soon the UPF will be a common household name.
People will be like "Gamma who?" And "UFC? You mean UPF?"
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