Editorial by Things are going pretty smoothly right now, i have all my 5 ,25years old fighters signed and sponsored.
Im working for Island FC(by far the best Island promotion this season) doing some matchmaking and writing,so i guess its looking good,record wise could be better im 2-3 but im learning the roopes,im still young but im learning pretty quick from older more experieced players.
I have to THANK in special to Scott Park(90413), he knows why,without your help i wouldnt b enjoying the game the way i am now.
I found this little poem online i guess it fits here and in life
The Samurai warrior stands unassuming, quiet, and fits in to the background on any occasion.
Each month is a month of new life, gales rush and sound over the tops of trees, he listens, His life is one of wisdom and military education, he judges nobody but he protects innocence, He respects all the seasons, the beauty of nature in all of its forms, a profound philosophy.
The rich cultivation of his disciplined spirit is a lifetime lesson, it has taught respect.
He watches as flowers show through the earth and wonders at their delicacy, a poetic beauty, A true warrior treasures personal enlightenment, it is honed and is polished with refinement, Enlightenment, watching pink cherry blossom in leafless trees, as nature provides everything.
Rich cultivation of the mind is expressed by his meticulous writings with skills of an artist.
His spring is spiritual, thick blossoms are pure a true joy, a China rose unfolds a red petal.
He lives an unwritten code of Bushido his values will never be comprised he is a man of honor, And the true warrior holds loyalty and courage above all, he is veracious and has compassion.
Times in deadly combat does not take away compassion for the weak, the needy or the children, A man of tempered steel, a man who would happily die for his cause, has a gentle simple life.
In a wood on a kind day, meditating on a warm rich river bank, the trickling water is peace.
The Samurai has respect for life, humility is the sign of power, a power through submission, These hard won gifts, balance the Samurai warrior, he has a passion for philosophy, integrity, As words can hurt others he carefully chooses what to say, when to say, each word is guarded.
To these men of few words, each word is a powerful statement and they do not abuse this power, It's difficult to get them to talk, they will ask questions and they listen, then they advise.
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