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UPF Underground

Underground, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Jamie McKenna

 UPF Underground, in London, was formerly known as Dissolution Fighting Championships and is now under new management, owner Jamie McKenna was the former President of Operations at Ultimate Pit Fighting and is now running his new org under the UPF name. UPF Underground will act as a starter org for the UPF brand. 

Fighters that rise through the ranks and reach a p4p of below 1000 will get to move into UPF in Hilo and receive a bigger contract and most likely a title shot.

As of now the UPF Underground is ranked 31 in the world and have some highly hyped fighters, like the UPFU Welterweight champion Aldo "Blotto" O Donno p4p: 896, and the UPFU Featherweight champion "Beaver Power" Jeff Gower p4p: 707, and can't forget about Lightweight champion Blind Mouse who is 540 p4p in the world. 

Jamie McKenna has big things planned for UPFU and I think everything is going to be smooth sailing.




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