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GAMMA: HOF Criteria

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

The Hall of Fame (HOF) is the ultimate reward for any fighter and GAMMA has the largest HOF in the game. To induct a fighter into the HOF an org needs to run at least 10 events, which means on average just 5 fighters per year for most orgs. We currently have 52 fighters in our Hall of Fame. Due to us virtually reaching our cap and there being a LOT of legitimate candidates, we will now be considering fighters still actively fighting, if they meet the criteria, so basically we will select who we feel is currently most worthy of this honor at this current time based upon specific criteria. 

When considering which fighters will make it to our Hall of Fame we look at several factors. The factors we look into are things such as how long they were fighting in GAMMA, wins, Fight of the night awards, total headlined events, maximum rank, title fights and defences, major wins as well as several other lesser factors. 
Probably the biggest factor from this list is total fights. We would rarely consider a fighter, irrelevant on how great his run in the org was if they had fewer than 10 fights in total, where as a fighter which had 30 or more fights would almost instantly make it, unless they had an extremely poor record inside the org (which is unlikely because if they did he would not fight in GAMMA for +30 fights!). 

The front runners to make it to our our Hall of Fame at the moment are:

Lan Mandragoran (169650) 
Jimmy Snuka (159898) 
Diego Sanchez (142862) 
Jesse Custer (183716)
Atte Peltola (177978)
Willy Wonka (159900) 
Ein Stein (182566) 
Tamias Poochyena (135965)
Chris Webster (52145)
Charlie Murphy (152460) 
Meat Beater (174503) 
Cole River (165545) 
Evander Holyshit (76174) 
Ender Wiggin (80914) 
Johnny Victorio (84638) 
Kris Hong (204017) 
Phil Davis (65372)
Pierre Trudeau (113658) 
Timofey Boyko (151666) 
Charles LaFontier (173319) 
Yeshua Immanuel (123742) 

Note: Only one fighter will be inducted to our HOF next week.




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