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Island FC 9 Review

ISLAND FC, Fight Organization, New York
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It was crazy ,this was another GLORIOUS night for the promotion regarding income generated and an amazing card....the event was stained with violence amoung the fans riot police had to intervein and some people was arrested....not what you want to see but shit happend...

  145lbs TITLE (Sub of the night):  
Alpha Gamma v (W)Hop Sing Jung  
The fight went the way i tought it would go Gamma was destroying Sing on the feet,but we all knew that if he couldnt finish the fight soon it would be a question of, when he was going to be taken down ,not if he was going to be taken down,being very one dimentional fighters  ,Sing gained clear advantage when the fight went to the ground and he did the job briliantly,he mention Ivan Maksim has hes first defense,if,Maksim can win hes fight.....1st round submission

  170lbs TITLE  Jake Belcher v (W)Jeff Probst    
Jake coulnd live up to expectations after he won the belt as a massive underdog he couldnt follow up with a win here, and got exposed ,the fight was actualy going hes way ,but he was being over agressive and got caught  with a classy armbar so now we have a new 170lbs Champ, that prove to be very tough and fought adverdity  with all hes might, in the end payd off...3rd round submission

  Aleksei Ponomarenko v (W)Tweedle Dum  
Panomarenko shouldnt have answerd the bell for the second round he was in very bad shape, after being rocked in the last seconds of round 1,the corner didnt do their job, puting at risk the fighter health,as soon as the second round started ,on wobly legs he ,trow a lazy punch , was counter with a big left and" was all she wrotte"....2nd round Tko

  (KO of the Night)(W)Papa Shango v Wooden Stick  
Lack lust performance from Stick,hes game plan was none,and he pay the price of bad preparation, Papa Shango looked like a bully on a school yard beating up a 6 year old girl,was simple he cliched and striked hes oponent until he fall,dominant performance....1st round Tko

  (W)Test Rage v Test Viarl  
So wich one of the Test "brothers",took this one?...the answer is the more determined one took it ,Rage got cut with one minute into the fight,a 20 minute battle, and still dominat procedures with a full hearted performance that earn him the "fans fight of the night",clearly more eficient with hes striking from the clinch and cause the most damage,well deserved win....Rage wins decision

  (W)Just Islander v Tobias Marshall    
Islander won this fight due to hes ability to change levels and transitions ,not a beautifull fight at all,but a very technical and hard fought ground and pound battle ,Tobias hold hes on on the grapling exanges against a better wrestler, but to be honest he was just hanging in there.....Islander Decision win 

  Joe Blow v (W)Ronald Glover    
Joe Blow was taken to hospital in an air ambulance, right after the fight,and hes condition is critical,fears of brain damage,he got hit far to many times with hard shots landing flush,i think he has all hes facial bones broken after this one....was like watching an angry dad beating up a child molester...he nearly riped hes head off...i dont what wat generated that hate but you could cut the tension with a knife just before the fight...hoope he will be back soon and healthy......3rd round TKO

  (W)Vito Blaze v Tristan Salifu          
Salifu completly got it wrong this time,he failed to realize the phisical and technical advantages and weeknesses of hes oponent and payd the price,intead of trying to get inside and work the body ,he opted to exange head kicks agains someone like Blaze,who posseces some of the most lethal high kicks you will ever see,well done for him in what it was the quickest finish of the night....1st round TKO  

(W)Igor Abramov v Haywood Jablomey  
Jablomey tryed to slow Igor movement down ,with hard leg kicks but it was geting so obvious that Igor realized the plan and started to move away from the right leg and countering  with acurate and powerfull combination,in the grapling exanges none of the fighters looked great i think both of them should consider investing some time on wrestling sparing....2nd round Tko 

  (Fight of the Night)(W)Mark Corden v Wyatt Twinkletoe  
For me this was the best fight of the night, who would have tought that?.....a battle of wills and skills,both fighters demonstrating a lot of desire to win their first fight....but unfortunatly Twicletoe run out of ideas and was continuasly trying to shoot for the take down with very little sucess,while Corden was being the most metodical one of the two, and he got hes reward with 2 minutes left on the clock,he proved to have too many guns for Twickletoe....3rd round Tko

Hoope you enjoy the event, not as deadly as usual,regarding finishes,but loads of great fights never the less, none of this would be possible without the hardwork our team put into it in special JJ and Jake...we wich you all good recovery....    #MAMADO#ISLANDFC#TOP                     


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