2009-01-10 02:17:38 a LEGEND was BORN
This was a very important date in MMA TYCOON, this was the date a certain manager by the name of Steel Penn (82165) joined the game,and he never looked back since.
Now , nearly 7 years latter and well over 1200 fights, this dinossour of MMA TYCOON ,has seen it all and done it all, but is not hes record and coquers(impressive never the less) that cativates people,is he's gentle and helpfull aproach to the game that sets him apart from most managers,He's by far the biggest donator to keep the game running smootly and he would probably deserve ,at least, a custumized trophy for hes contribution to MMA TYCOON..
..Im prety new in the game ,but i encounter plenty advercity already and you had my back when came for you, for that reason Im wrighting this little piece to thank you Sir
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