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The Wild Den

The Wild Den(150k+), Fight Organization, Rio de Janeiro
Company profile by Papa Papito

The Wild Den aims to give offer the best competition on your skill level with the fairest fight possible. We are currently looking for fighters that are available to fight for the 145,170,185,205 and 265 weight divisions. (150k+)  

Minimum starting contract: 2000/2000/2000
Of the night bonuses: 1500
- The starting contract also depends on your current hype + popularity so if you have a better hype + popularity than 0-0-0 guys, you'll get a better contract.
- The pay will increase as you stay in the organization.
- Hype + Popularity will be a somewhat a factor in pay increase.
- We have strict inactivity rules. If you are inactive for over a month without notice you'll be released from your contract.
- We have a monthly rankings update.
- We give out the best possible match-up for you but if you are the number one contender, you need to fight the champion or you'll forfeit the contendership to the next fighter in the rankings.

Standard fights: 3 x 5 minute rounds.
Title fights: 5 x 5 minute rounds.
Judging: 10 point must
All fights will be fought inside a cage.
All fights will be fought inside a cage.

    Our partners:

  Next Level Nutrition 159q $60 (video proof)!
Ganbatte Fight League
TWD Gambling Den
  If you are interested in joining please contact Papa Papito
Thank you and have a nice day!


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