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The Foundry

The Flounder Factory, Gym, Montreal
Company profile by Alexander Melchiott

The Foundry is a new gym based in Montreal.  Here, the idea is to give fighters a quality place to spar and work on their conditioning.  I chose to go with this type of gym because it is simple and can ease me into learning how to efficiently run things.  So, The Foundry is actually a building place not only for fighters, but for me as well.  The Foundry is meant to be a temporary place for fighters to stay and train; once fighters have the financial capacity, they should move on to a higher quality gym.

I'm not doing a good job of selling this, am I?  Writing is hard...

The other reason I decided to invest in this gym is to help Montreal out.  There currently is only one other public gym with space for fighters, so due to the deficit of facilities, I thought it would be a good move to open up a temporary gym for fighters.

Clearly, I don't have much experience with this, so any tips would be appreciated!


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