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SFC84:Micheal Stubb v.s Jake Shields

Fighter profile of Jake Shields by

John Lipton Cloverleaf:  In the 2nd match of S.F.C 84 it will be ( Danger )Micheal Stubb who has 2 fight of the night awards,4 submission of the night awards,who is a BJJ specialist and has a professinal record of 16-21 14 wins comming from submission and 2 from decision and a former main eventer will have to go one on one in side the steel octogon the undefeated Jake Shields who holds a professinal record of 3 wins and no losses with 1 win by submission 1 win by decision and 1 win by (T)KO and is a boxing specialist who Stubb does not wanna stand up with and has great striking defence but can get tooken down with ease.

Micheal Horseshoe: This is going to be a fight that you would wanna see John,Jake is 2 belts under Stubb is BJJ but is a very good stand up boxer and when gets taken down can do alot of damage with his ground and pound and can do some devastating damage with those high kicks of his and his strength is just remarkable! He has the power to K.O even the toughest fighters with even the most hardest jaws who also has good striking defence and grappling defence so Stubb will have a hard time trying to K.O shields in the stand up and will have a hard time tying to clinch with him to take him down and Jake Shields has mediocre speed which might effect his pace in the match up.

John Lipton Cloverleaf: Well micheal you gotta remember that match Jake Shields had against "The Gracefull" Benjamin Akebono who has compete boxing and some stong boxing with a blue belt in BJJ and Jake Shields managed to beat him for all three rounds and gave him his first lost in his carrer.And like you said Micheal Jake Shield has some proficent Boxing skills but he has to face a man who has 14 submission wins and only 3 matches going to decision and won 2 of them but he has been K.Oed 17 times and he has had 2 title fight  and has the better exp. in this fight and is the elder and he's taller and is 3 pounds heavier than Shields and he has a brown belt in BJJ and compete Wrestling skills and will be hard to takedown to use his ground and pund that he used against Mike Trigger.

Micheal Horseshoe:I agree John,but look at Jake Shields fight Against Arus Damon who was a Muay Thai specialist who had respectable boxing and Wonderful Muay Thai and Jake managed to beat Arus with in 3 minutes and 49 seconds into the first round and made him tap out by an Andaconda Choke even though shields has some mediocre takedown offence he managed to take him down 2 times and made him tap out also Shields has a granit Chin and will not get K.Oed easally  and the only way Stubb could win is if it goes to the ground but he might not even win there because of his takedown offence and his ground and pound. And Jake shields has Stubb beat in Boxing and Muay Thai but Stubb has him in the Wrestling and BJJ so my pick in this match will have to be Jake Shields if Stubb cant get him down on the ground and if he does then Stubb might win or it might even go to decision but overall my pick to win will have to be Jack Shields.

John Lipton Cloverleaf:Well Micheal my pick will have to be Micheal Stubb because of his BJJ skills and his abillity to take people down with his Wrestling skills and your right it just might even go to decision and might end with a split decision.



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