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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Lee Way for the No Way

About Me: Lee Morrison

"Making winners out of losers", that's the motto Lee Morrison stands by, he takes the most hopeless of cases and give them hope.  When other managers look over a client because they are too old, or maybe because they can't tell their left fist from their right, or for whatever other reasons they may say or give, Lee Morrison shall take them on and make them into viable fighters that professional fight organizations will drool after. 

Coming out of Austin, Texas, Lee Morrison has had a hand in the world of sports entertainment.  Yes, you heard right, he was a professional wrestling promoter for a little organization called Ring of Chaos.  The question is why trust someone who promotes fake fighting with your career?  Well wrestling may be fake but the training these wrestlers go through are as tough as what an MMA fighter goes through and even more!  Even with all the jeering from his peers, Lee Morrison's never say die attitute makes him continue taking the next step forward just to prove them wrong, AND YOU CAN TOO!  When other managers say that you're hopeless or that you should give up on your dream, Lee Morrison is there to say NAY!  He is out here to prove that anyone with heart and dreams can be a fighter, that anyone with grit and drive shall succeed.

So come one, come all...  Even if they say that there's no way, remember, THERE IS THE LEE WAY!



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