It would appear that a new 'dynamic duo' has erupted on to the scene in Las Vegas. Operating under the name BetaCore, the pair have successfully started a clothing company and are currently in the process of entering the fight organisation arena, which will be operating under the same name. Boasting a proud opening week with nealy 1000 sales in BetaCore Clothing, the duo are confident that they can take both companies to the top, Matty Field (98473) and YodRon Daan De Jong (108353) had this to say:
"With the right marketing and social connections and plenty of hard work, which are both already well underway, we don't see a limit as to how far we can go with this. With a little bit of careful recruitment in the future, we'd like to see a BC nutrition company and more.. Who knows? For now we'll just concentrate on moving forwards with the companies we have and we'll have to see how far we can ride this train."
If things pan out how this pair are planning, then Las Vegas is set to be taken back to the age of BC... watch this space Vegas!
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