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GAMMA: Mitch "Mauler" Mason Interview

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

Welcome to GAMMA Mitch! Lets get straight to the meat with a few questions about you and your career so far!

#1 You have been bouncing around during the early part of your career with your longest run at Steel Pen Icon so far. Do you think you have found a new home here at GAMMA?

For me, personally it's been about getting some experience in a few organizations and making sure I'm at the right level before stepping up and fighting in organizations such as GAMMA. my QFC fights were all great confidence boosts and I had a great run at Steel Penn icon.

#2 You come into GAMMA as the biggest and heaviest fighter. Do you think that will come as an advantage?

I think if I'm smart with my size and I use it in the right way I can use it to my advantage. There's some really great guys in GAMMA's Super Heavyweight division so I'm excited to see how I match up.

#3 Your latest loss was against Fidel Dubbery, a GAMMA legend and Hall of Fame fighter. Do you think you will be able to have a legendary career, similar to Fidel or possibly even surpass that?

I believe so, I have the skill, the talent and the charisma to really be something. It was a great experience fighting against a legend like Fidel, he is one of the best in the business and it's great to test myself against him. I would be excited about possibly fighting him again in the future and showing him how far I have come.

#4 Management is considering matching you up against Michael Proctor for your first fight, what do you think your chances are in that fight, assuming it is given?

Proctor is a really strong guy, he hits hard and has a string of impressive knockouts, although saying that I can see he has several holes in his game. He is weak in the clinch so I think i will be able to exploit that and KO him in the first..

#5 You are currently one of the least experience guys in the GAMMA Super Heavyweight roster, how do you think that will impact you?

The guys in this division are more experience that can't be denied but i feel I have the skills to hang with anyone in the division and I can see myself doing great things despite this experience gap.

#6 And finally, Do you have a message that you would like to give to the GAMMA Super Heavyweight roster?

I'm coming for you. I'm ready to step up to the next level and to make a name for myself. I hope you're all ready.


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