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Incredible Interviews: Alexander Orlov

Fighter profile of Alexander Orlov by Justin Credible

 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Justin Credible here and I’m talking to Alexander Orlov today, the 19-9 veteran is going to be talking about a variety of topics today, and it promises to be a very entertaining interview to say the least, so without further ado…. Here we go!

JC: Mr. Orlov it’s a pleasure to sit and talk with you again, how are things going after you last fight?

AO: The last fight was a bitter pill to swallow, I know I could’ve and should’ve won that fight. It was a clear mistake to take that fight into the clinch, I should’ve stuck to counter punching. Instead I wanted to show the fans a good show and prove to them I could beat him at his game, in a dog fight, and I ended up paying for it.

JC: Do you blame your coaches?

AO: No, I blame myself I mean I’m 34 years old, been in this game for a long time. I know what’s going on and what to do and not to do.

JC: What are your thoughts on the Open-weight Division, and Zoe Harris?

AO: The division is fun, I signed up for it because I think it’ll be a great challenge and so far it has been. I mean my next opponent is 135lbs soaking wet and he’s fighting a heavier opponent like myself, it’s great I mean anyone in this division has the balls of a giant. As far as Zoe Harris is concerned, I like the guy, nothing but respect for him, I know I tend to be active and take some jabs at my opponents on social media, but I’m humble in victory or defeat. All the pre-fight things are for show and to garner interest from the causal fans. I hope to fight Zoe Harris again in the near future.

JC: Speaking on your next fight, Tyron Lannister is a former Honor FC champion and an accomplished grappler. What is your plan for this fight?

AO: I’ve noticed his past accolades, but like I said they’re in the past, I was a champion too, but all it is now is a belt on my mantle at my mansion….I mean home.

JC: Subtle… So you’re 2-3 in your past 5 fights… What is your plan to get back to your winning ways?

AO: Well, I was on the right path and suffered a minor setback, but every journey has its bumps along the way. I have faith that with the team I have around me now, I’ll flourish and add another belt to my resume before I retire.

JC: Are you thinking about retirement?

AO: I’d be lying if I said, no. I’ve thought about it, sure… But my heart is still in the cage and my family supports me. I’ll retire when I get up not wanting to go to the gym and train.

JC: Do you think you have one more title run in you?

AO: Yes, definitely! I train at an elite gym with a bunch of monsters, I have a lot of motivation right now, and a re-match with Zoe Harris and a title are keeping me hungry.

JC: What do you think the difference was in that Harris fight?

AO: I don’t think I prepared for a bigger fighter. So far I’ve gotten smaller opponents and dealt with them easily, but he took my shots easily and I slightly gassed, I wasn’t efficient with my energy and it backfired. I’ll be ready the second time.

JC: Alexander, always a pleasure!

AO: Thanks Justin, Tune in on 4/20/16 and see me face Tyrion Lannister! Stay Classy…

JC: Hey!!! That’s my line!


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