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BloodSport CT Training and Sparring

Bloodsport: CT Training and Sparring, Gym, London
Company profile by Steven Stepp

MadDogs Workhouse gym in London has changed names, forming an alliance with BloodSport!

This merger has made it a public gym specializing in circuit training and sparring, with 6 CT Coaches training all physicals in every category.  Rounding out the coaches, we also have a triple elite coach for clinchwork and kicks, a double elite coach for punch tech and striking defense, 2 double elite coaches for submission offense, GnP, and defensive grappling.  We also employ an elite MT coach for standing elbows and knees, and an elite wresting coach for takedown offense and defense.  Our sparring fighters are also top-notch.  BloodSport Org is dedicated to being the best, and providing its fighters with only the best training. We are based in London, so come and check us out. We hope to see you here!


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