Afonso Cabral was born in the northen portuguese city of Braga....when he was a kid due to hes size he sufered bullying from everyone....they used to call him "O Cabeçudo" the big head....he realy does look like a carachter out of the Lord of the Rings cast....this scary and imposing man has surprisingly good maners and he accepted our request to join a little flash interview ....
M: First of all,wellcome and thank you for accepting our invitation we understand you have a fight coming up soon and you must have a prety busy and strict sheadule....What made you start in mma?
AC: Well i was allways a big boy and sinze very young age i had people picking on me and i never realy paid any attention to it,as i went trough my teenage years my hormons start taking over me and i start becoming more think is just normal for a teenage boy to be like that...well i got into loads of fights but allways to defend myself....i guess that was my first interaction with day i realy hurt this kid and my dad took me into an hanger management program were they had this mma classes going on .....i guess that was when the "little seed" was planted....
M:What are your short term and long term goals?
AC:My short term goals are to defend my belt against anyone coming my way and improve everyday in the long term plans is to become the first Portuguese MMA legend and one of the best ever.....
M:What is the role of a champion?
AC: The roll of the champion is to rule by exemple, to be a role model to the fighting comunity and a good reprezentative of the sport to the world....for me my conduct is very importante and i allways try to be an exemple to the younger genaration...maybe one day i can be as famous as Cristiano
M:What you love the most about your home country?
AC: The food and the womman of course..loool..
M:Thank you very much for your time,and we wich you luck in your next up and coming fight.....
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