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VTFC: Proving Grounds 1

Event Preview: VTFC: Proving Grounds 1
Vale Tudo Fight Club
2016-04-03, Montreal, Micro Arena - Montreal
Author:Lee Morrison


Even lions start off as cubs, fangs and claws get sharpened and honed, the same can be said in the competitive world of Mixed-Martial Arts.  Every fighter has to start somewhere, and Vale Tudo Fight Club gives them that opportunity with Proving Grounds!   The first of many, Proving Grounds shall feature bright up and comers in the world of Mixed-Martial Arts.  A perfect place for them to wet their feet to prepare them as they move forward with their pursuit of a profession MMA fighting career.

On April 03, 2016, see the future superstars of the caged circle as they fight to prove their right to stay inside the cage.  Proving Grounds 1 will take place in the Micro Arena, Montreal.  Reserve your seats now!

Fight Card:

Francis Barros VS Bittor Xavier

Liam Nills VS Chavo Chavez

Daniel Abent VS Geoff Huff

Franco Barros VS Criss Cross

Eric Vera VS Tom Bennett

Travis Little Bear VS Daniel Mitchell

John Ken VS Trey Rines

John Bennett VS Samuel Hovac

Lima Barros VS Julius Briggs

Zach Bennett VS David Fair

Who will survive?  Who will break?  Who will stay on and become stronger?  Buy your tickets now and find out on the 3rd of April.


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