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ISLAND FC, Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by J J Tycooner


With JAY and Mamado


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JJ:There has been  lots of talk of  possible superfights this season on the island

which would lead many to speculate that the odds of some of the fights happening are pretty good given that there is plenty of time left before the season ends


Mamado:fans have not been this thrilled since holly holm kick rousey in the neck!


JJ:What ?


Mamado:JJ you know that was a great kick


JJ:True True That kick was better than christmas morning at the Zuckerberg house


MaMado:shit Now you are taking it too far Jay


JJ: WAS that too much ?


MaMado:just a lil bit too much because you know marky Z gives some good shit

for christmas with all those dollars he got for reskinning myspace !


JJ: shit he can give me some of those facebook stocks !Those would make one hell of a nice christmas hell yhea !


MaMado:Fuck that jay i don't want no stocks




MaMado:Jay my feet already warm i don't need more crusty stocks my gramas gives me lots of them christmas birthdays all that


JJ:If you don't want stocks what do you want ?


MaMado: mr mark z i just want one thing from you bro can i get a billion ?




MaMado:Hell no jay what the fuck is wrong wit you guy  do you got something going with feet man? stay away from my feet man don't even look at them

you talk about stocks and feet to much mane.


JJ:ok i said stocks but whatever what would you ask mark z for  anyway?


MaMado:Jay you can all his stinky ass stocks i just want 1 !


JJ:1 stock ?


MaMado:Fuck you jay go eat a fucking stock guy! i want 1Billion dollars

and i am a nice guy JJ i will buy you all the fucking stocks you want guy because me and you are friends


JJ:so you get 1 Billion and i get socks ?


MaMado:That's right my Friend only the best for you JJ !


JJ:fuck that MAMADO  i thought we was cool bro


MaMado:We are cool J that's why i know make fun of you just because you love feet

and i can think of billion reasons that shit makes you bat shit crazy !


JJ:shit Mamado we are out of time


MaMado:so what  why you care ?


JJ:We were shooting the rumor mill


MaMado:that's easy jj  


JJ:Times up mamado they are telling us to wrap it up


MaMado:Hello Islanders i have great news

it has been rumored that the  big mystery of all the cases of the mysteries missing stocks is not a mystery at all


JJ:What are you talking about where are they ?


MaMado:like i was saying not a mystery at all  you can find all the stocks at JJ under his bed !

don't forget your gloves you don't want to touch those crusty thing HA




MaMado:Sorry jay out of time sir  we will see yall next time


JJ:on THE ISLAND  rumor mill with JJ


MaMado:and MaMado



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