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Fighter Has Hip Hop Style

Fighter profile of Adam Yauch by Chad Didion

ST.PETERSBURGH-  Adam Yauch never had a MMA career in mind when he thought about what he wanted to do with his life.  He knew he wanted to use his hands, but thought they would be used to strum guitars or spin turn tables.  The road to this talented 18 year old fighter's first MMA win has many twists and turns, so lets start at the beginning. 

Yauch was born an only child in Brooklyn New York, the son of a social worker, and a painter and architect. His father had been raised a Catholic and his mother was an American Jew. Yauch had a non-religious upbringing.

Yauch attended Edward R. Murrow High School in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn. In high school, he taught himself to play the bass guitar. Yauch formed the Feisty Boys with John Berry, Kate Schellenbach, and Michael Diamond. They played their first show — while still a hardcore punk band in the vein of Reagan Youth — on his 17th birthday. He attended Bard College for 6 months before being kicked out from fighting.

Adam had many friends, he was liked in school.  Adam was out going and was very social.  He also had a short fuse that caused trouble for him and the group of friends that he hung out with.  "We constantly had to keep Adam from getting into fights." said a close friend.  Keeping Adam out of fights seems like it was a hard act since reports say Yauch was into more then 30 fights in a short 2 year span between the ages of 15-17.

Adam spent most of his early years writing songs and playing in his high school band.  Gigs were his top priority along with becoming rich and famous.  "All I wanted to do was write songs, nail chicks and get rich.  I knew I could make music and I knew music was my ticket to the good life."  says Yauch.  Adam and his band got small gigs and did make some money.  They had some local recognition and did get a couple of songs played on the radio.  Things were pretty good for the band at this time, but one thing got to one member, which cause him to leave the band.  "Things were good, I was having fun, we were making some money, we were on the radio, but he (Adam) just f***ing couldn't stop being a d***head." says a former band member.  Adam was drinking now way too much, he hated hecklers and couldn't take negative looks or comments.  During a two show weekend in January, Yauch was arrested for assult on both nights.  One of the nights, Adam jumped into the crowd to assault a concert goer who threw a bottle at the band.  This started a brawl on the floor and the band who had 4 more shows booked at the location was asked to not come back.  This caused a obvious rift with the band and in a short period of time, when the band seemed on top of the world, it all came crashing down.  Adam was distraught.  He didn't know what he was going to do and felt his whole world came crumbling down.  He HAD so many friends...where are they now he thought.  He HAD a record deal...where are the phone calls he thought.  He had money coming in...where are the checks now?  He turned to school to try and start over and figure out his life.  That's where he would have a life changing experience.

Adam was in Bards College just 6 months before he was part of a large fight, he was kicked out of school and this is when he hit rock bottom.  He went on a 2 week drinking binge.  He was arrogant, and he was drunk, a combination that usually can have devastating effects on ones life.  One night Adam was out, he got into a argument with two men.  The argument turned into a fight.  Adam was torn up.  "I thought to myself, just let me die.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I hated my life."  says Yauch.  He ended up in the hospital next to CEC Champion Scott Cain.  Cain talked to Yauch and instantly formed a friendship.  After a few weeks of hanging out and getting to know each other, Cain introduced Yauch to his life, the life of MMA.  Adam took to it right away.  "I loved it.  Fighting is something I did a lot and now I can get paid to do it?"  says Yauch.

Now 18 years old and training for just months, Yauch is now considered a promising prospect.  He was contacted by HGH Nutrients and was offered a sponsorship from them.  Don Silva, founder of the New Generation Fighter organization signed Yauch to a 4 fight contract.  Yauch had his first MMA fight June 16th at NGF 3 and beat Aleksander Bojarov by TKO just 55 seconds into the fight.  "He's got rocks for hands" says trainer Miguel Morales.  Adam trains at the Russian Combat Developement Gym.  "It's family.  It's great and I love it hear.  I want to win, I want to be a champion for not only myself, but for my gym."  say Yauch.

Only time will tell if this talented 18 year old will be a champion.  He's gifted, but he's raw.  He hasn't been at this long, so as the opposition gets tougher, that's when the challenges will get harder.  We will continue to track this fighters career and check in on him again.  His next fight is on July 14th at NGF 7 vs Nikita Diasov.


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