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Arena Fighting Championship

Arena Fighting Championship, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Batiatus

 Arena Fighting Championship Official Thread




 Arena Fighting Championship is a new organization that has a restricted ID of 290k+ 


 We are looking for new managers who want to rise with us and we can become loyal to each other as we both will grow together , the longer you stay with us , the higher payment we will provide , each contract will go higher and higher to max payment as you stay with us.


 We also are welcoming older managers who has new fighters at 290k+ ID and want to use their fighters in fair matchups and use their knowledge leverage towards a win , we can provide you with a decent chance to a title and keep your fighter on the path to glory.



  What will happen now?


 Well we will start with getting good talent at 290k ID range first , and as we get enough fighters we will book our first ever event and as we cover that , we will arrange next events and so on. We will always have a main event for title shot , each event will have a title fight and everyone will have their chance . So if you want to prove your fighters worth , each event will be a chance.


  What are we about?


 We are looking for managers who want to stay here for years to come , we are looking to build a great relation with our managers , that is our first priority , I will personally talk with you anytime you want , skype with you , chat with you , as long as I am capable of it , all your problems are my problems , I will try to solve it and will make your fighters and you as happy as possible. If one manager is unhappy , I am unhappy. Send me a PM and we can discuss contracts , sponsorships , events , your gf problems , business decisions , cheese and bacon , anything you want , I am here for you.


 Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Batiatus.


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