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Nikita Astakhov gets into a street fight

Fighter profile of Nikita Astakhov by Danilo Đilas

 Nikita Astakhov is seen heading out of a police station with a angry look on his face and just then a woman working for the Island TV tries to get a interview with him.

Interviewer: Excuse me sir, may i have a interview with you?

Nikita: Sure, i don't care.

Interviewer: So what happened just about 15 minutes ago? 

Nikita: Well, as you may have seen, i have shared some heated words with a low life called Tommy Thundercunt who fights in my weight class at Highland Island organization. So, what happened is that a few of his friends started talking shit to me on the street and i just lost it. Jab, jab, cross, left hook and uppercut did the job on the first thug, the other two got hit by some of my monster overhand rights. Boys dropped like a bag of bricks.

Interviewer: Wow, i don't know what to say to that. I'm guessing you're in a bit of a trouble with the law now? What happens next?

Nikita: Haha lady, no worries. The police are cool here on Island. Sure, they restrained me for a bit but after they heard what happened, 2 middle aged officers just laughed and said: "Talk shit, get hit", and just like that i'm out as you see. I think the police don't like Tommy as well.

Interviewer: I had no idea that things worked on Island like that. Thank you for the chance to get some info on what happened Nikita. Best of luck to you in your next fight.

Nikita: Thanks, expect a KO.


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