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Andrew Knights' promising stable

About Me: Andrew Knight

 Andrew Knights stable is looking pretty damn impressive as it holds four promising prospects in it. Patrick Knight (Andrew Knight's son), Pablo Kirjinova, Miguel Morales and Frankie Gold.

 Patrick Knight had an impressive debut with a 1st round knock out over young upstart Wallace Franco (1-1-0 at the time of the fight.) He followed this up by showing he can go the distance and beating journey man Edgardo Cline to a one sided UD where he controlled every bit of the action.

 Pablo Kirjinova's debut answered a lot of questions as he completely dominated journey man Anderson Silfa  (0-5-0 at the time.) He was tired but had a rematch 2 days later where he repeated this, handing Silfa his 7th loss.

 Miguel Morales had a great debut where he knocked out his opponent Broderick Huffman  (1-5-0 at the time) before the 1st minute was up. He then fought to a unanimous decision against Buddy Phillips (0-4-0 at the time) by showing his agression and pressure fighting.

 Frankie Gold has had the most success by having both wins being 1st round (1st minute) KO's. His opponents were Coy Grant (1-3-0 at the time) and Tommy Wolf (0-2-0 at the time).

 All 4 boys have shown they are dangerous at Domestic level and are only improving, all 4 are expected to have great success later on in their careers.


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