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The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Fighter profile of Lucien Wolf by Jax Stark

Journalist: After winning his first 3 fights by way of submission, Lucien Wolf is starting to gain some buzz on the Hawaiian islands. So Lucien, how long have you been training to step into the cage?

Wolf: Honestly for as long as I can remember. On the island fighting is as natural as surfing. It's just something you do. And growing up I was never the biggest kid, so I was drawn towards BJJ and it's been a game changer ever since.

Journalist: When did you decide to make the transition from BJJ to MMA?

Wolf: I was having some success winning local BJJ tournaments, and being the competitor that I am MMA was the next step to test myself and see what I can accomplish.

Journalist: Well going 3-0 is definitely a promising start. Is there any particular opponent that you would like to face for your next opponent?

Wolf: I'm not picky, I will fight whoever UPF puts in front of me. Just keep moving closer to a title shot, that's all I care about.

Journalist: Why did you decide to sign with UPF to start your MMA career?

Wolf: They showed faith in me from the beginning, before I debuted they sent me a contract. They have taken care of me so far, so I will return the favor by putting on great fights. And eventually becoming the Welterweight Champion.

Journalist: Well thank you for your time Lucien and I look forward to seeing how your career unfolds. 


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