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Brian interview #2

Fighter profile of Hector Stefan by Altair The Assassin


 Hector Stefan      


Brian: Hello again from the conferince room of Darkness gym where Stefan just finished his last session before his big fight against Koscielski. How are you feeling ?


Stefan: I feel great. It was a grooling training champ and I feel so good as I finish it. Now I can enjoy my job tomorrow which is to bang or die trying.


Brian: It's good to see you in high spirit. You've been undefeated in VCL in 4 fights and you keep improving. Is there a secret to your succes?


Stefan: There is no secret, you just have to train your ass off and hope your ready for the next challenge.


Brian: Your last opponent came in with some hype and you manage to dispose of him in the second round. How did it feel ?


Stefan: Yea Murphy seemed to come with a lot of hype and fuss about him. It felt great that I not only stopped him, but managed to Ko him. That was a huge relief for me as I was on the 4th fight which has gone to a decision and I wanted to prove more then that.


Brian: What is your opinion about Koscielski ?


Stefan: I have been looking on some of his tapes and he looks like a good wrestler. Not only that, but he also has the power to Ko you if your not cautios. It will be a tough fight, and I expect him to drive me into deep waters and we'll see who is the best prepared for that kind of situation.


Brian: Anything you want to say to him before the fight?


Stefan: Not really. Just be prepared cause I will give it my all and will try to defend my title for the second time.


Brian: Ok, thanks for the quick interview. There you have it fouks, another inside into the Darkness champions and we will see if I can squeeze an interview after the fight. Good day to all.  



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